Dancing Art Flashmob – May 18th

Everyone is welcome to be part of a flashmob* that will be created together and performed on May 18th. (*flashmob = a group of people meeting in a public space for the purpose of doing an unusual or entertaining activity.)

We’re meeting Sat. May 18th at 3:30pm beside Gallery 1580 (1580 Cook Street). The flashmob is inspired by Isa Sevrain`s “Brok`n art” show. Please dress for the weather and bring water.

Details: There will be a dance improvisation activity as a warm-up, then there will be time on our own to each come up with a shape or movement in response to Isa’s installation in memory of Gabrielle Roth, the founder of 5Rhythms Dance. Then we will each teach our shape/movement to the group, and the group will practice the series of shapes/movements all together.

Finally, we will go out to perform it as a flashmob somewhere nearby, at one or more spots in the neighbourhood! During the dance, “mistakes” and unique interpretations of the moves are very welcome and encouraged.

As the Gallery is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible: we will do the dance warm-up, shapes-sharing and flashmob-practice outside near the building, and we will bring photos of the art installation outside, so that everyone can participate fully even if the building is not accessible for anyone.

Poster for Isa Sevrain's Brok'n art showIf anyone does not want to dance, we could use a couple people to pass around leaflets about the art show and upcoming dance activities to passerbys.

See Isa’s website for details about the art show.

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Filed under collective, flashmob, free

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