Thank-you for a beautiful, creative year

Thank-you everyone for your creative playfulness, nourishing dancing and excellent ideas! It has been fantastic to move and improvise with everyone at the 50 sessions since July 2012.

Around 70 participants have come to the Thursday dancing with integrity sessions at Heart & Hands since January, including some wonderful people who have participated practically every week. As well, there have been approximately 45 people at outdoor sessions and 75 for dance improvisation at various other indoor locations since last summer.

It has been an honour to witness participants’ confidence, spontaneity and freedom of movement expand. And I have had so much fun being in supportive community with all of you. Thank-you SO much!

Wishing everyone the best for an amazing summer. (:

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Filed under @heart&hands, community session, connecting, dancing with integrity, outdoors, thank-yous

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