Category Archives: awkward fun

“awkward” / “rusty” dancers’ night Feb. 28th!

While people who self-identify as “awkward” or “rusty” dancers are welcome at all dancing with integrity sessions… the theme for Feb. 28th is specifically “Awkward” / “Rusty” Dancers & Friends!

two branches of oregon grape with bright red leaves, above ground with miscelaneous littler plantsThere will be various dance improvisation activities for having fun, exploring how we personally feel like moving, and being curious about the stories we tell ourselves (e.g. “I can’t dance”). Click here for the session’s full description. And for details about the location and accessibilities, click here.

*Everyone is welcome at this session, whether you self-identify as an “awkward” dancer or not.

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Filed under @heart&hands, awkward fun, community session

dancing with integrity ~ Thursdays February 7-28, 7:30pm!

The dancing with integrity community sessions continue on Thursdays at Heart and Hands Health Collective! Everyone is welcome, and all sessions are by donation. You can pick and choose which Thursday/s you want to attend.

on the left is flowering moss; to the right is sun glowing on horizon above blurry pathEach week will have its own theme:

Feb. 7 Log-out, Power-off, and Dance!

Feb. 14 Dance as Self-Care / Mutual-Care (recognizing One Billion Rising and Stolen Sisters Memorial March week)

Feb. 21 Dancing and Learn-in ~ in solidarity with #F21 Indigenous Rights Education Day. *This session is free and might move to a larger venue; please be in touch if you would like to come.

Feb. 28 “Awkward”/ “Rusty” Dancers & Friends

Click here for details about the location and accessibilities.

To register for one or more class, please be in touch. Drop-ins are welcome IF there is space.

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Filed under @heart&hands, awkward fun, community session, dance as self-care, dancing with integrity, learn-in, log-off & dance!

“Awkward”/ “Rusty” Dancers’ Group!

Do you sometimes feel ‘awkward’ or ‘rusty’ when dancing in front of people?

Would you like to play with dance and explore movement in a supportive community setting?

…you’re invited to the Awkward” / “Rusty” Dancers’ Group on Thursday Jan. 17th, 7:30-9pm!

At Heart & Hands Health Collective (851 Cormorant Street) in Lekwungen homelands. To register: be in touch.

two stalks of oregon grape leaves near each otherThe focus of this workshop is on accepting and celebrating our unique selves and ways of moving. There will be various dance improvisation activities for having fun, exploring how we personally feel like moving, and being curious about the stories we tell ourselves (e.g. “I can’t dance”). Click here for the full description.

Click here for details about the location and accessibilities.

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Filed under @heart&hands, awkward fun, connecting, workshops