Category Archives: connecting

New website launched!

For information about upcoming dance sessions and programs, please see the new Creative Momentum website:

The dancing with integrity website includes an archive of sessions Joanne facilitated in 2012 and 2013. It may be reactivated as a blog for dance updates in the future, but for now it still has resources such as dance links, a compilation of Nations’ websites (local and island), and Local Links.

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Filed under connecting

Over the next few months…

Over the next few months, i will be transitioning from the non-profit, volunteer teaching of dancing with integrity sessions, to starting a little business under a new name.

This change means that i will be able to offer many classes each week around town, starting in October.

If you know of a group or venue that might be interested in a weekly class in the Fall or 2014 – e.g. dance improvisation for fun & fitness, dancing while sitting for older adults, creative dance as self-care, or a theme tailored to your group – please be in touch. Thank you!Photo of sun setting next to oak branches at Summit

Happy Solstice to those who celebrate it, and warm wishes to everyone for an excellent summer!

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Filed under community session, connecting, dance improv while sitting, dancing with integrity

Thank-you for a beautiful, creative year

Thank-you everyone for your creative playfulness, nourishing dancing and excellent ideas! It has been fantastic to move and improvise with everyone at the 50 sessions since July 2012.

Around 70 participants have come to the Thursday dancing with integrity sessions at Heart & Hands since January, including some wonderful people who have participated practically every week. As well, there have been approximately 45 people at outdoor sessions and 75 for dance improvisation at various other indoor locations since last summer.

It has been an honour to witness participants’ confidence, spontaneity and freedom of movement expand. And I have had so much fun being in supportive community with all of you. Thank-you SO much!

Wishing everyone the best for an amazing summer. (:

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Filed under @heart&hands, community session, connecting, dancing with integrity, outdoors, thank-yous

Short and sweet party after class Thurs. June 20

Everyone is welcome at the end-of-season celebration: after class on June 20th! It will be short & sweet and happen right after the Summer Ingredients session at Heart & Hands.

NO pressure: it is totally optional to bring a snack to share. There will also be time to share reflections and ideas for what you`d like to see for the Fall.

If you aren`t able to come by at 7:30pm for class, you`re very welcome to stop by at 9pm to celebrate. Looking forward to seeing those who can come to the mini party!

*please note: as the forecast is for rain, the outdoor potluck at 6pm has been cancelled.


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Filed under @heart&hands, connecting, field trip, outdoors, thank-yous

Ideas, suggestions, feedback?? (little survey)

What would you like to see for future dancing with integrity community sessions – in terms of themes, locations, music, and times (e.g. in the Fall)?

Do you have any suggestions for spreading the word, who might be interested, fundraising, etc.?

Photo of sun rising above water, through rope on ferry.There is space awaiting your ideas, suggestions & feedback at this Survey Monkey link ( …or chatting in person/ by email/ by phone also works well.

Only answer the questions you feel like answering!

It would be great to have your input even if you haven’t made it to any sessions yet. (:


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Filed under community session, connecting, dancing with integrity

Fresh-air Fernwood: Mondays April 8-29

In April there will be a weekly fresh-air session in Fernwood: Mondays from April 8th – 29th, 5:30-6:30pm, by donation.

Photo: two ferns on a mossy log.We’ll meet up for a warm-up in the same location each week, and then head to another outdoor space in the neighbourhood, for family-friendly dance improvisation activities and movement games. Please dress for the weather.

Themes for each week:
April 8th An Unbirthday Party! – Games @ the park
April 15th Creating a short Flashmob together (to perform on the 29th)
April 22nd Plants & Dance – Mother Earth Day & National Dance Week
April 29th Flashmob Frolic for International Dance Day – rehearsal then Flashmob!

Click here for meet-up location and other details.

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Filed under @fernwood, all ages, community session, connecting, dance games!, flashmob, outdoors

Interested in dance-improv while sitting?

Photo of a twig with flowers starting to bloom and a few leaves.Are you or someone you know interested in dance-improv while sitting classes this Spring? The activities would be similar to the community classes at Heart and Hands (click here for a description), and everyone would be doing the improvisation activities while sitting or lying.

If you’re interested, please be in touch. I’m compiling an interest list, and would love to meet up for tea if anyone would like to brainstorm about it. Many thanks to Leslie for the suggestions!

Also, am seeking suggestions of a welcoming, mobility-accessible location for this that has comfy chairs available (ideally options of sturdy upright ones, exercise balls, and mats for if anyone is more comfortable lying than sitting) – perhaps a community centre with cheap rent.

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Filed under community session, connecting, dance improv while sitting

Queering Salsa ~ March 1st

stylized lettering of the word "SALSA", and music notes

On Friday March 1st, an informal Queering dance network is going as a group to Club Salsa at the Victoria Event Centre (1415 Broad Street), which has an elevator. (“Starts with a beginner salsa lesson at 8:30PM, stay on to dance 9:30PM-1AM! $12”). Click here for more info (:  And click here for the facebook event page.

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Filed under connecting, field trip, queering dance

One Billion Rising FLASHMOB rehearsal Sun. 4:30pm

Would you like to be part of a dance flashmob on Thursday (V-Day)?? Then please join this rehearsal, Sunday Feb. 10th at 4:30pm, at Dance Victoria (2750 Quadra Street)! All levels of dance experience are welcome.

"creating a dance flashmob together for One Billion Rising (Strike! Dance! Rise!)"People from Hollaback, Dancing with integrity, and community members are interested in coming up with a flashmob to perform at the One Billion Rising event outside the downtown library on Feb. 14th in Lekwungen and Coast Salish Territories. Performing elsewhere earlier that day would be welcome if someone would like to coordinate that! We will be dancing in solidarity with more than 170 countries around the world that day –

Click here for the rehearsal details! (These rehearsal details are also on a Facebook event page.)


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Filed under @dancevictoria, collective, connecting, flashmob, rehearsal

“Awkward”/ “Rusty” Dancers’ Group!

Do you sometimes feel ‘awkward’ or ‘rusty’ when dancing in front of people?

Would you like to play with dance and explore movement in a supportive community setting?

…you’re invited to the Awkward” / “Rusty” Dancers’ Group on Thursday Jan. 17th, 7:30-9pm!

At Heart & Hands Health Collective (851 Cormorant Street) in Lekwungen homelands. To register: be in touch.

two stalks of oregon grape leaves near each otherThe focus of this workshop is on accepting and celebrating our unique selves and ways of moving. There will be various dance improvisation activities for having fun, exploring how we personally feel like moving, and being curious about the stories we tell ourselves (e.g. “I can’t dance”). Click here for the full description.

Click here for details about the location and accessibilities.

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Filed under @heart&hands, awkward fun, connecting, workshops