Category Archives: connecting


**For info about upcoming sessions, please see the Creative Momentum website: **

Photo of a three-leaf clover next to a four-leaf clover, both with insect-chewed marks, in front of grass

The dancing with integrity website includes an archive of sessions Joanne facilitated in 2012 and 2013.

If you’d like to be in touch or receive regular updates, see the contact page on the new website. Thank-you!

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Filed under connecting, dancing with integrity

dancing re: planet+society… creating a flashmob together Nov. 18!

Everyone is welcome on Sunday, Nov. 18th from 4-6pm, to be part of creating an ‘extinction blues’ dance flashmob!

This is the final dancing thru where the planet+society are at session for this autumn, and to celebrate we’ll start creating a dance together to perform as a flashmob, likely to the tune* of Extinction Blues (which is being written by members of the preparing for the unknown/ catastrophe response collective).

photo - front to back: camas, rocks, yellow broom flowers, oak trees, lake and city in distance

looking out from the hill above Swan Lake in Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ territories

During the warm-up we’ll start with grounding, arriving, and ideas for emotional first aid. Then we’ll brainstorm what we’re worried & excited about regarding current & upcoming local impacts of earth/society/community changes; we’ll use this to spur exploring movement together and begin solidifying some choreography. We’ll end by talking about details for a next practice/ rehearsal, and brainstorm about where and when we’d like to perform it!

Drop-ins welcome. By donation. Please see the details page for details about the location (Oaklands Community Centre), and see the workshop description for more info on this series and accessibilities.

*If you (or someone you know) would prefer to play music and/or sing rather than dance for the flashmob, please be in touch so we can update you on when there’ll be a community orchestra practice.


Filed under @Oaklands, collective, connecting, flashmob, where the planet's at, workshops

hang-out re: forming community dance collectives – Fri. Oct. 5th!

Would you like to dance more regularly, and/or are you interested in integrating the community work that you do with dance and movement?

A number of people are interested in being part of forming a dance collective(s), so on Friday (5:30-7:00pm) at the Fernwood Community Centre gym (1240 Gladstone Ave.) we’ll take some time to brainstorm about what we’re interested in, do some dance improvisation activities together, and chat with people with similar interests.

This hang-out is free! And there will be some food (: …
…Optional & no pressure: if you’re able to bring snacks to share or to donate to cover the costs (venue rental, bus tickets and organizing), that would be fantastic!  photo of a group of small yellow flowers, green leaves, and a bit of moss

Details: Thus far there are around 10 people who plan to come to this, coming from various styles of dance/movement, including contemporary/ modern. People are interested in at least a few different aspects of dance, so sounds like a few separate collectives may form ~ on Friday we’ll take some time to talk about who’s interested in which aspects. Family and friends of all ages are welcome to come! The gym is wheelchair accessible with a ramp from the main entrance on Gladstone down to the gym, and there is a gender-inclusive washroom. Please no scented products because many people have allergies to perfumes and chemicals. Thanks! If you can’t make it Friday but would like to be in touch, or if there is something that would help make the event accessible to you, such as volunteer childminding on site or translation, please email Joanne at dancingwithintegrity[at]gmail[dot]com

Photo by Chris J visiting in Lekwungen territories.

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Filed under collective, connecting