Category Archives: @dancevictoria

One Billion Rising FLASHMOB rehearsal Sun. 4:30pm

Would you like to be part of a dance flashmob on Thursday (V-Day)?? Then please join this rehearsal, Sunday Feb. 10th at 4:30pm, at Dance Victoria (2750 Quadra Street)! All levels of dance experience are welcome.

"creating a dance flashmob together for One Billion Rising (Strike! Dance! Rise!)"People from Hollaback, Dancing with integrity, and community members are interested in coming up with a flashmob to perform at the One Billion Rising event outside the downtown library on Feb. 14th in Lekwungen and Coast Salish Territories. Performing elsewhere earlier that day would be welcome if someone would like to coordinate that! We will be dancing in solidarity with more than 170 countries around the world that day –

Click here for the rehearsal details! (These rehearsal details are also on a Facebook event page.)


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Filed under @dancevictoria, collective, connecting, flashmob, rehearsal

Improvising with an Uncertain World (Free workshop Sun. Feb. 10)

This dance improvisation workshop is happening Sunday Feb. 10th
1:00pm-2:30pm, at Dance Victoria (2750 Quadra Street – North Entrance)
in Studio 3 (ground level – accessible entrance, turn left).

empty snailshell partly cracked in dried grassWhat are a couple big worries we each have, in terms of the drastic changes happening with the planet/ land/ world? And what are a bunch of potential changes we’re excited about? We will play with creating gestures and movement about how we feel about the time that we live in (e.g. climate change, societal change, community responses).

Everyone welcome. No prior dance experience needed. No special clothing needed (just something comfy for moving in).

This workshop is part of Dance Days with LOTS of fun dance classes and events around town between Feb. 1st and 10th, organized by Dance Victoria with YAM Magazine.

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Filed under @dancevictoria, dancing with integrity, where the planet's at, workshops