Category Archives: dancinghealth

Dancing while Sitting for Seniors in the Fall

Would your seniors’ residence or activity centre like to have a Dancing while Sitting class in the Fall?

Do your members miss the sense of joy and connection of dancing?

The Dancing while Sitting classes are focused on fun, wellness and building a sense of community.

Participants and facilitator dance while sitting in a circle. Classes include a variety of creative movement activities, with music from the 1940s-60s and from around the world. It is a chance to be social, exploring dance and creativity in a supportive setting.

No dance experience needed, and no sequences to remember!

The content and length of the sessions is geared to what works for each group.

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Filed under dancing while sitting for seniors, dancinghealth

Dancing decreases risk of dementia, rewires the brain

Ten years ago today, a study called “Leisure Activities and the Risk of Dementia in the Elderly” was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

In the study of 469 people, “Dancing was the only physical activity associated with a lower risk of dementia.”

Click here to keep reading this post.

Text: Dancing reduces the risk of Dementia, and info from the study mentioned in the post.p.s. The study also mentions that playing board games and playing musical instruments decrease the risk of dementia… so at our dance improvisation sessions, when we do the activities such as dancing with Scrabble or playing percussion while dancing, i imagine we are very much nurturing the pathways in our brains as well as in our whole selves!

p.p.s. The image mentions doing crossword puzzles frequently also reduces the risk, so for the Fall i plan to design a creative movement crossword puzzle. 😉

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Filed under dancinghealth