Category Archives: thank-yous

Thank-you for a beautiful, creative year

Thank-you everyone for your creative playfulness, nourishing dancing and excellent ideas! It has been fantastic to move and improvise with everyone at the 50 sessions since July 2012.

Around 70 participants have come to the Thursday dancing with integrity sessions at Heart & Hands since January, including some wonderful people who have participated practically every week. As well, there have been approximately 45 people at outdoor sessions and 75 for dance improvisation at various other indoor locations since last summer.

It has been an honour to witness participants’ confidence, spontaneity and freedom of movement expand. And I have had so much fun being in supportive community with all of you. Thank-you SO much!

Wishing everyone the best for an amazing summer. (:

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Filed under @heart&hands, community session, connecting, dancing with integrity, outdoors, thank-yous

Short and sweet party after class Thurs. June 20

Everyone is welcome at the end-of-season celebration: after class on June 20th! It will be short & sweet and happen right after the Summer Ingredients session at Heart & Hands.

NO pressure: it is totally optional to bring a snack to share. There will also be time to share reflections and ideas for what you`d like to see for the Fall.

If you aren`t able to come by at 7:30pm for class, you`re very welcome to stop by at 9pm to celebrate. Looking forward to seeing those who can come to the mini party!

*please note: as the forecast is for rain, the outdoor potluck at 6pm has been cancelled.


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Filed under @heart&hands, connecting, field trip, outdoors, thank-yous

door prize donations super-appreciated!

Much gratitude to the local businesses and health care practitioners who contributed wonderful gifts (door prizes) for the Dance as Self-Care workshop Nov. 5th!

Specifically, BIG thank-yous for the generosity of:
Acacia Integrative Health Clinic
Ellen Yauk CranioSacral
Reorganizational Chiropractic Care
Self-Heal Herbal Centre
Simple Remedies Herbal Solutions
Wildfire Organic Bakery & Cafe

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Filed under dance as self-care, thank-yous, workshops

thank-you for monday’s workshop and feedback!

Many thanks to everyone for Monday’s fun (:

I’m inspired by everyone’s dancing!

Some folks stayed for an outdoor afterparty:

four people outside dancing

And much appreciation for the thoughtful feedback. Here is what people were okay with sharing online re: ‘what did you like about the workshop and/or facilitating?’:
“no pressure, comfy atmosphere”
“your care and consideration of others”
“you facilitated very well which supported me to open up + explore different parts of myself”
“calm, non judgemental, safe space”
“Not having to explain, justify, describe or have any rationalizing of what I feel or how I move… No self-consciousness… well, not much.”
“establishing a safe space, the variety of movement history with everyone in the group, pairing movement with emotion + actual day to day experiences, almost theatre.”
facilitating was “gentle & full of good humor”
“safe interacting; the flexible/ playful leadership”

I’m excited to build people’s ideas and feedback into the next dancing with integrity sessions: October 1st, November 5th, and December 3rd. Hope to see you soon!


p.s. Flying / jumping is totally completely optional:

photo of four people's legs mid-jump

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Filed under dancing with integrity, thank-yous, workshops