
Thank-you to everyone for all of your comments, reflections and suggestions! dancing with integrity sessions are continually being tweaked in response to the feedback and ideas that participants share.

Below are comments that participants are interested in sharing on this website.

“The space that Joanne creates on Thursdays feels very safe and respectful.  Joanne is able to adapt each session to the needs of those present and how they are feeling.  I attend as many as I can fit into my schedule as regardless of if I am feeling up or down when I arrive I know that when I leave I will feel connected and happy.” – Tracy

What did you like about the dancing with integrity session and/or facilitating?


The facilitator’s “open mindedness and making sure we feel comfortable.” – Anna

“I enjoyed dancing! Also, your reminders to let go of tension and not to restrict body parts really brought me back into myself. I enjoyed the mix of individual dancing and the closer collaborative work – shared energy. I experimented with many different movements and levels.” – Gabriella

“Joanne`s ability to make me comfortable and calm in the space helped me move less self-consciously than I would normally have. It’s a gentle and fun space.” – Bharat

“I appreciate the ‘everything you do is OK: no wrong moves’ attitude. I feel a bit more relaxed about dancing again. This was fun: looking forward to more dancing!” – Nancy

And anonymous comments:

“I appreciate how respectful, inclusive, + accommodating Joanne is towards participants.”

“Her creative themes and gentle facilitation make her classes welcoming for seasoned dancers and newbies alike. Highly recommended :)”

“I like your classes because they are fun. Lots of laughing. I feel like I am getting less shy.”

“You facilitated very well which supported me to open up + explore different parts of myself.”

Participants have also expressed appreciating:

“establishing a safe space; the variety of movement history with everyone in the group; pairing movement with emotion + actual day to day experiences, almost theatre.”
“your care and consideration of others”
“freedom of movement”
“felt at ease, liked the exercises”
“Not having to explain, justify, describe or have any rationalizing of what I feel or how I move… No self-consciousness… well, not much.”
“Great positive energy; free expressive space.”
“safe interacting; the flexible/ playful leadership”
“facilitating was inclusive”
“calm, non judgemental, safe space”
“no pressure, comfy atmosphere”


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